Category: News

Original Big Bang Comics Promotional flyer.

This is the eight page newsprint promotional flyer we put together to solicit the original Big Bang Comics mini-series from Caliber Press back in 1994. I had forgotten about it but inker extraordinaire Mike Matthew found his copy and posted it on Facebook, so thanks to Mike I’m sharing it here for anybody who did not see it there. Just click on each page for a better look.  Gary Carlson 7/6/2020













BB Chronological #46: Another She-Bang!

As promised in issue #21, Jerry Acerno’s Shadow Lady is back in BIG BANG COMICS #26 , with the thrilling conclusion to “Murder By Microphone!”

In it, crazed genius Maurice Dvorak continues his crusade against radio station WXKZ, who claimed the patents for his invention, the Vocal Resonator due to the fact that he was their employee and developed it at work. Previously, Dvorak has been killing the radio station’s stars, but tonight’s diabolical plan will kill everybody at WXKZ’s live Scientific Awards show.


Happy Birthday Curt Swan!

Remembering the late, great Curt Swan on his birthday. One of the greatest things about doing Big Bang Comics has been the chance to work with some of my favorite artists. Murphy Anderson (who was coloring some of the first BB issues) made this cover possible.

Murphy contacted Curt and then inked it too. It appeared on the #4 issue of BB from Caliber Press, and we reprinted it about two years later after we moved to Image Comics as issue #6. Even got them to sign it as “Swanderson”. (more…)

BB Chronological 45: 25th Anniversary Issue

BIG BANG COMICS #25 is another one of those issues that I had very little to do with overall, merely acting as editor-in-chief and assembling the book with stories done by other creators of the Big Bang Gang. Regulars like Chris Ecker, Jeff Weigel, Mike Worley, Terrance Griep, Jim Brozman and Tim Stiles did the heavy lifting this time around, assisted by Doug Mabry and Jim Woodyard. And yet, with so little on my plate I managed to goof up one major thing. We were proud to have published 25 consecutive issues of the title at Image Comics and solicited the book as a “Silver Anniversary” Special. Jeff Weigel created a gorgeous front cover featuring the top BB heroes celebrating (more…)

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